Tobias Bäckstrand

Biografi   Yrkeserfarenheter   Fritid   Min blogg   Kontaktuppgifter


Music   Photogallery  Contact

Who am I and what is my purpose with this homepage? I'm a limnologist/biologist living in Borås (a city in Sweden with approximately 100.000 habitants). I'm also an amateur photographer and a spare time musician. My purpose with this homepage is partly to introduce myself to potential employers and partly to show some of my pictures and hopefully get some constructive critics so I can become a better photographer. In the part of this homepage that is written in Swedish you can read more about my work experiences, my education etc. That part of my homepage is not translated to English, mainly because I'm not looking for work outside of Sweden (right now anyway).

As an amateur photographer I spend most of the time taking pictures in the nature. Trees, lichens, insects, flowers and mammals are probably the most common objects. But occasionally I also take some pictures in the city, and in rainy or snowy days also more experimental pictures inside the studio I now rent together with a friend. You can check out some of my pictures in the photo gallery above. If you want you can leave a commentary in my blog (it's written in Swedish). Click on "Min Blogg" and leave a comment or ask a question in the latest post. If you don't want to use the blog you can send an e-mail to me, see contact for more information. It's OK to download pictures for personal use. If someone would like to use one of my pictures in a business related purpose please contact me.

A new thing this year is that I each month chose a picture as the picture of the month. That picture is presented at the index page. 

As a spare time musician I am a guitarist in a three-piece band. We are playing instrumental music with inspiration from all sorts of music. Unfortunately we're not playing together very often so our repertoire isn't that big. But we have performed at some birthday parties and also on a festival in the small village Tvååker. When it comes to listen to music I use to say that good music is always good music no matter if it's blues, rock, classical, jazz or death metal (to name a few genres).

Last year I started a musical journey around the world via the link Music. The journey will continue also for the most part of this year (2012). For more info click on the link Music. To be able to listen you need Spotify. 

Hope you find something here worth coming back for,
